Welcome back to Citizen Dame. For episode 7, we are reunited! This week, Karen, Kristen, Lauren, and Kimberly are talking about:

  • It has been 2 days since an allegation against a major Hollywood player! (Just kidding…This episode was recorded prior to us finding out that Kevin Spacey now belongs to the ever-growing list of Garbage People.)
  • Logan directed James Mangold is planning a spinoff about Laura/X-23 because Wonder Woman FINALLY proves movies with female leads can make money!
  • Why companies suck at merchandising and marketing movie heroines
  • Ben Mendelsohn is in talks to play the villain in Captain Marvel
  • Zachary Levi will play Shazam!
  • Trailers for:
    • Phantom Thread, from Paul Thomas Anderson
    • Winchester, starring Helen Mirren

Plus reviews of:

  • Suburbicon
  • Stranger Things 2
  • The Divine Order

Plus, Karen weighs in on some topics she missed last week, including which Tom she would kill, and her true feelings about Armie Hammer.